2nd International Factoring Congress

8 September 2011, Warsaw

II International Factoring Congress was held in Warsaw on September, the 8th. The event, organized by the Polish Factors Association (PFA), was attended by over 180 home and foreign industry experts. This year, presentations and discussions focused on the hot topic – namely – “is it the downturn or the real crisis.” Participants could hear information and opinions of experts. The up to date information and opinions might help not only to define threads but also to identify the key factors of industry growth in Poland. Much attention was devoted to the legal environment of factoring industry in Poland.


Second International Factoring Congress was a success both on the content related side and the organizational aspects. “It turns out that the factoring branch in Poland is genuinely interested in establishing mutual relations and exchange of experiences and information. This is an important signal – said Miroslaw Jakowiecki, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Polish Factors Association. We are the industry under the integration process – he added. September the 8th was the day when representatives of companies that generate 95% of Polish factoring turnover met under one roof. Our organization sets direction for the industry – Jakowiecki added.

II International Factoring Congress has proved that the industry is eager to co-work and the association’s activities can be backed by international federation of factors, namely International Factors Group and Factors Chain International. What more, numerous factoring companies from EU wants to cooperate with Polish Factors. Among the enthusiastic opinions of foreign visitors, one seems quite interesting: “I felt the event was very successful and the areas which interested me the most was seeing the members all come together under one roof, working together to grow factoring in Poland. Additionally, It was great to hear the insights from around the factoring world and have the opportunity to meet so many nice people” – said Evette Orams, HiltonBaird, UK.


The 8th of September 2011, Sheraton Warsaw Hotel

08.30 – 09.30 Registration
09.30 – 09.45 Welcome to the Congress; Presentation of the speakers, panellists and overview of the Congress’ program
Miroslaw Jakowiecki, Chairman of PFA Steering Committee
09.45 – 10.15 Interregnum. Landscape of the crisis battleground?
Piotr Kuczynski, Chief Analyst, Xelion – Doradcy Finansowi
10.15 – 11.15 Drift or full speed ahead? Industry in the shade of threats. Experiences of factors threatened with financial crisis. Introduction to the panel discussions.
10.15 – 10.30   Panos Papatheodorou, Greece
10.30 – 10.45   Josep Selles, Spain
10.45 – 11.15   John Brehcist, UK
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.15 World of factoring in 2011. Panel I. How does the industry cope with the effects of the slowdown? Examples of the solutions. Changes within the industry – consolidations, acquisitions, bankruptcies. The industry’s most risky sectors. “Beware of…” – the examples of the disastrous factoring transaction
moderator: Roberto Weckop, Germany
– Evette Orams, UK
– Ferdinando Brandi, Italy
– Panos Papatheodorou, Greece
– John Brehcist, UK
– John Gielen, EUFederation
– Mario Luedtke, Deutche Faktoring Verband, Germany
– Josep Selles, Asociacion Espaniola de Factoring, Spain
– Andrzej Zbikowski, PFA
13.15 – 13.30 Factors; synergetic actions
John Gielen, EUFederation, Belgium
13.30 – 13.45 CODIX presents
13.45 – 14.30 Lunch
14.30 – 14.45 Asseco Business Solutions presents
14.45 – 16.00 Factoring in terms of Polish legal regulations
14.30 – 15.15   Polish Supreme Court ruling. Do Polish regulation shelter the receivables enough? Consequences for the industry
dr Jan Mojak, Maria-Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin
15.15 – 16.00   Legislation and jurisprudence as industry. Insurance policies in industry limitations. Panel II.
moderator: Jacek Lenczuk
– Jan Mojak
– Dariusz Rusajczyk
– Lukasz Stefaniuk
16.00 – 16.10 BCR Publishing presents
16.10 – 16.20 Coffee break
16.20 – 17.30 Drift or full speed ahead? Panel III. Does the current growth of Polish factoring industry satisfy us? What are the greatest threats that Polish factors may face in the nearest future? What is the role of the insurer in factoring transactions nowadays? Risk management processes in unstable economic environment. The necessary up-changes that may ensure industry growth.
moderator: Jaroslaw Jaworski, Coface Poland Faktoring
– Elżbieta Urbanska, PKO BP Faktoring
– Jerzy Dabrowski, Bank Millennium
– Krzysztof Kuniewicz, Bibby Financial Services
– Dariusz Stec, Polfactor
– Jerzy Ostrowski, Fortis Commercial Finance
17.30 – 17.40 Recapitulation; Closing the Congress.
Miroslaw Jakowiecki, PFA

Piotr Kuczynski, Chief Analyst, Xelion – Doradcy Finansowi
Miroslaw Jakowiecki, Chairman of PFA Steering Committee, President of Board of Pekao Faktoring sp. z o.o.
Evette Orams, UK
Mario Luedtke, Deutche Faktoring Verband, Germany
Josep Selles, Asociación Española de Factoring, Spain
Panos Papatheodorou, Greece
Pawel Kacprzak, Head of Factoring at Raiffeisen Polbank
Stanislaw Atanasow, President of Management Board of Eurofactor Polska
Tadeusz Bialek, Head of Legal Department at the Polish Bank Association
Katarzyna Ulasiuk, iSecure Sp. z o.o.
Arkadiusz Korzeniewski, Partner, CMS Law. Tax.
Marianna Sidoroff, Ministy of Development
Jeff Longhurst, CEO, Head of Commercial and Asset-Based Finance UK Finance
Pawel Tarnowski, Head of Financial Systems Dept.,Asseco Business Solutions SA
Katarzyna Lomankiewicz, Head of Treasury ABC Data
Damian Atroszczak, Member of the Board GRANIT-COLOR
Marcin Swirad, CEO, Airtel Systems
Grzegorz Wielopolski, Proprietor, Art. Progres


Second International Factoring Congress was a success both on the content related side and the organizational aspects. “It turns out that the factoring branch in Poland is genuinely interested in establishing mutual relations and exchange of experiences and information. This is an important signal – said Miroslaw Jakowiecki, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Polish Factors Association. We are the industry under the integration process – he added. September the 8th was the day when representatives of companies that generate 95% of Polish factoring turnover met under one roof. Our organization sets direction for the industry – Jakowiecki added.

II International Factoring Congress has proved that the industry is eager to co-work and the association’s activities can be backed by international federation of factors, namely International Factors Group and Factors Chain International. What more, numerous factoring companies from EU wants to cooperate with Polish Factors. Among the enthusiastic opinions of foreign visitors, one seems quite interesting: “I felt the event was very successful and the areas which interested me the most was seeing the members all come together under one roof, working together to grow factoring in Poland. Additionally, It was great to hear the insights from around the factoring world and have the opportunity to meet so many nice people” – said Evette Orams, HiltonBaird, UK.


Piotr Kuczynski, Chief Analyst, Xelion – Doradcy Finansowi
Miroslaw Jakowiecki, Chairman of PFA Steering Committee, President of Board of Pekao Faktoring sp. z o.o.
Evette Orams, UK
Mario Luedtke, Deutche Faktoring Verband, Germany
Josep Selles, Asociación Española de Factoring, Spain
Panos Papatheodorou, Greece
Pawel Kacprzak, Head of Factoring at Raiffeisen Polbank
Stanislaw Atanasow, President of Management Board of Eurofactor Polska
Tadeusz Bialek, Head of Legal Department at the Polish Bank Association
Katarzyna Ulasiuk, iSecure Sp. z o.o.
Arkadiusz Korzeniewski, Partner, CMS Law. Tax.
Marianna Sidoroff, Ministy of Development
Jeff Longhurst, CEO, Head of Commercial and Asset-Based Finance UK Finance
Pawel Tarnowski, Head of Financial Systems Dept.,Asseco Business Solutions SA
Katarzyna Lomankiewicz, Head of Treasury ABC Data
Damian Atroszczak, Member of the Board GRANIT-COLOR
Marcin Swirad, CEO, Airtel Systems
Grzegorz Wielopolski, Proprietor, Art. Progres